Perfect Day Lite (Tarabalam)

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مرجع نمط الحياة
المطور: Mahaswami Software Pvt. Ltd.

"Timing is everything" as they saying goes. This app helps you to easily pick the right timing. Increase your chance to succeed in any ordinarily important tasks using this tool provided by Hindu Astrology.

What does this mobile app do?

In order to increase the chances of success in any endeavor, this mobile app helps the user to pick days / times to perform the endeavor when Tarabalam is very strong. It calculates Tarabalam for 400 cities around the world. The timings are daylight adjusted where-ever applicable. You can also keep a list of your family / friends with their birth star and easily select Tarabalam for the person with just a click of the button. Mail [email protected] for any queries.

Read on for some more background. Better yet, use it and feel it first.

Importance of Muhurtha(Perfect Time for any endeavor) (as explained by well known astrologer BV Raman)

The value of Time is inestimable. All objects in nature are produced in Time, developed in Time and destroyed in Time. The truth of these statements requires no further proof. It stands unchallenged.

Each moment has got its own potency and as Carl Jung says "whatever is born or done this moment of time has the qualities of this moment of time". Hence the moment of birth or the moment at which we elect to do an important act is not certainly an insignificant epoch. Cosmic radiations pouring at the moment on the earth from outer space and coming from various stars and planets act on our brain cells which take up these cosmic radiations which are transformed into vital electricity. It must be noted that in all undertakings invisible energies are set in motion by our words, deeds, thoughts and of course by our actions. You may call these invisible forces as electric, ethereal or electro-magnetic or cosmic radiations. As man himself is an electrical body discharging different kinds of electrical energies, his success and failure are simply matters of attraction and repulsion between himself and the objects with which he has to deal in his day-to-day activities.

Muhurtha could therefore be defined as that precious moment when the vibrations radiated by man are altered to a specific wavelength capable of entering resonance with the radiations of the same vibratory rate coming from other planets and stars.

What is Tarabalam?

Various strengths are checked for muhurtham. Tarabalam, Chandrabalam, Gurubalam, Suryabalam, Lagnam shuddhi, etc... As outlined in following mantra. When we worship lakshmipati sri narayana, he will make everything right. He is tithi, vaara, nakshatra, yoga, karana. Hence, worshipping him will make everything right, remove all dosha.

तदेव लग्नं सुदिनं तदेव ताराबलं चंद्रबलं तदेव। विद्या बलं दैवबलं तदेव लक्ष्मीपतेः तेंघ्रिऽयुगं स्मरामि॥

tadeva lagnaṁ sudinaṁ tadeva tārābalaṁ caṁdrabalaṁ tadeva | vidyā balaṁ daivabalaṁ tadeva lakṣmīpateḥ teṁghriyugaṁ smarāmi

Tarabalam is a strength provided by stars to your Janma / Birth star. Nakshatra/Star of moon at the time of your birth is known as Birth star. Moons daily star / Nakshatra position needs to be favourable for casting any muhurtha. Moon takes roughly 27 days to circle around earth and passes through 27 nakshatras. Daily motion of moon from your janma nakshatra decides this strength.

The lite version allows to store only 2 people at any given time. Please checkout our ad-free fully featured version in app store.